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Listed by Douglas Surprenant of Gordon Crowley Real Estate
The house was built in 2023 after a total loss fire. Everything is brand new and top quality. The flooring, the walls, the ceilings, the windows, the doors, the roof, the heating and AC system and off course the kitchen and bathrooms. Open floor plan makes a comfy family environment The "family room" was a master bedroom and was later converted into a day care center with two doors to the back yard with a half bath and a pantry. This could easily be turned back into a master bedroom or keep it the way it is and start your own daycare. The washer and dryer are in the half bath. Corner lot with a circular driveway and a large fenced in back yard and new shed. The heating and cooling system is state of the art and the entire home is run on electricity that is produced by the solar panels. The homeowner only has an electric bill two months out of the year. Friendly, safe, quiet neighborhood and near all amenities.

Property Details of 7 Tina Avenue

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